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Monday, January 10, 2011

How should a locksmith company protect its reputation only?

It is crucial for any genuine business to protect its reputation from intentional or unintentional false publicity. A business might have taken a long way to build up a brand name and goodwill for itself in the eyes of the public. Even a wrong statement from any quarter can lead to some damage to the name of the company. Therefore, the businesses always seek to protect their reputation with very well considered strategies. This is especially relevant for those businesses which are in the field of security. For this reason, a locksmith company shall also defend its reputation through all the possible media of communication.
The online internet-based media is a place where the people can throw up any amount of dirt on your face. They can remain shielded and anonymous and also carry out the malicious campaign against the locksmith company. Here are some of the ways in which the company counter the adverse propaganda:
  1. Verify whether the complaints are genuine or not: This can be done by cross checking with the locksmiths about what actually went wrong. This is important since if the complaint is genuine, defending it will create more problems. If the complaint is found to be genuine then the corrective action shall be taken immediately.  However, if it is not found to be genuine then there is a need to defend against the complaints
  2. Ignore: If your company has a well established brand name online, then a few complaints of non-serious nature shall best be ignored. The ones which are of serious nature need to be countered with an objective to unmask the falseness of the complaints.
  3. Maintain neutrality: Sometimes, a brick for a brick is not the solution and neither is a rose-for-a-brick approach. At best, the situation may warrant remaining neutral. So, just mention a few words about the company and its service, without promoting or praising its services.
  4. Counter criticism head-on in the same forum: There could be a number of internet resources where these negative reports might have come up. You can meet these head-on by step by step clarification of your stand and rebuttal of the complaints. The same shall ideally be done in the same forums as has been done by the complainant.
  5. Client testimonials: Another important way of the countering the adverse reputation is by making use of the client testimonials which have favoured business from you and have shed positive light on your business. These client testimonials as well as the positive feedback from your customers can significantly blunt the impact of the wrongful propaganda.
There biggest problem with the online medium is that the people can use the same to reach out to a millions of users to say the wrong things about you. IF someone is looking for a locksmith and he comes across these wrong findings, then he or she will be more inclined to believe the same. Since the propaganda is actually a type of shadow war, with no person coming in front personally, the legal action asking the person to prove the charges is not possible in most of the circumstances. 

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